Monday, July 30, 2007

Coming Out

Every blue moon someone asks me about "M.Christian" and what it might mean. Despite my fondness for games, and my very weird sense of humor, it doesn't really mean anything: it's just my real name, backwards.

The reason I mention this is because people sometime assume "M.Christian" has a different kind of hidden meaning, that it's a 'loud and proud' sign of my belief or religion.

Even though I try to keep personal stuff personal, this is a good time to say something about that: I'm an atheist. No doubts, hesitations, or uncertainty: I don't believe in god, gods, ghosts, faeries, UFOs or the similar.

The reason this is a good time to come out of the philosophical closet is Richard Dawkins, a man I admire and respect, has started an OUT campaign for us unbelievers, one marked by a scarlet 'A'."

So come on all you other fellow rationalists, now's a good time to stand up and be counted!


Sage Vivant said...

Finally -- a scarlet letter that means something good! Thanks for this info. I'm off to get my A right now....

Anonymous said...

It's me, Marika ... it took me well into my twenties to learn to love my name ... as I do not look like what I think a Marika should look like... and well you know how it goes with the Christian thing. Now I am rather proud of it,"Christians" are quite the rebels, ask Captain Bligh!