I'm VERY jazzed to be reading at the upcoming Godless Perverts Story Hour at the Center for Sex And Culture In San Francisco on November 17th.
Here's a bit about the event - as well as there wheres and whens and such:
The Godless Perverts Story Hour is an evening about how to have good sex without having any gods, goddesses, spirits, or their earthly representatives hanging over your shoulder and telling you that you’re doing it wrong. With fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and performances from Maggie Mayhem, Victor Harris, Greta Christina, David Fitzgerald, Chris Hall, Dana Fredsti, Anthony O’Con, and Simon Sheppard, we’ll be bringing you depictions, explorations, and celebrations of godless sexualities, as well as critical, mocking, and blasphemous views of sex and religion. The evening’s entertainment will have a range of voices — sexy and serious, passionate and funny, and all of the above — talking about how our sexualities can not only exist, but even thrive, without the supernatural.
We’ve only got one life — what better way to spend it than an evening of sexy godless fun?
Official website:http://godlessperverts.com
Sat, November 17, 7:00 PM
Center for Sex and Culture1349 Mission St,
San Francisco CA