Saturday, June 16, 2012
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Another Reminder - GLBT Live Chats with the Pros At The Erotica Readers & Writers Association!
GLBT erotica is a genre to be reckoned with, and The Erotica Readers and Writers Association will help interested authors with two GLBT Live Chats with the Pros: Delilah Devlin and M. Christian will be on hand to answer questions, offer advice, and exchange ideas with authors of GLBT erotica. Whether you're penning your first gay fiction, or are a spicy-seasoned pro, don't miss this opportunity.
M. Christian, associate publisher for Renaissance E Books (which includes Sizzler Editions), is an acknowledged master of erotica with more than 400 stories in such anthologies as Best American Erotica, Best Gay Erotica, Best Lesbian Erotica, and Best Bisexual Erotica, Best Fetish Erotica. If you want to know what GLBT editors want (and don't want) and how to make your submissions stand out, M. Christian will be happy to answer your questions.
Read more about M. Christian at
ERWA chats are held on the ShadowWorld chat server, channel#erachat.
(Follow the link above. On screen you'll see 'Connect to ShadowWorld IRC'. In the Nickname box, key in your name. Leave the channels box at #ERAChat, and click 'Connect'. A chat text box will appear at the bottom of your screen)
Just A Reminder - The Bachelor Machine
- that my acclaimed collection of science fiction erotica, The Bachelor Machine, is still available. Here's what Locus had to say about it:
In the 1980s, I read an article about some noted visionaries of the bold future of virtual reality. The visionaries uniformly denied that virtual sex would be a factor in this brave new technology. Apparently the visionaries hadn't noticed that several existing technologies were significantly subsidized by sex, among them the phone companies (by 900 numbers), Big Pharma (by The Pill), and the new videotape industry (by X-rated sales and rentals). Here in the Twenty-First Century, though we're still waiting for VR, phone companies enjoy the additional subsidy of surfers seeking X-rated websites, penile implants and Viagra keep multinational medical companies big in the stock market, and video stores add X-rated DVDs.
SF authors are bolder, or maybe just less blind, than the VR visionaries; they routinely incorporate varieties of cybersex in their fiction. But SF authors rarely center plot and theme on sex, and the professional and semiprofessional SF magazines rarely publish speculative sex stories. Yet the enormous sexual changes of the last few years, both trivial (porn spam) and profound (legalized gay/lesbian marriage in Canada), demand more SF exploration of the subject. Fortunately, on the small-press margins of SF, at the border shared with the erotica genre, a few writers are speculating intelligently and imaginatively about the future of sex. Among the best-known and best of the erotic-SF writers is M. Christian.
The stories in his new collection, The Bachelor Machine, pass the litmus tests of both the SF and erotica genres. Take out the tech and there's no story; take out the sex and there's no story. This description may lead those unfamiliar with SF erotica to suspect that every story is about getting off with the aid of futuristic technologies, and that's true as far as it goes. But that's not going nearly far enough.
The stories in The Bachelor Machine are not about sex, though they're stuffed with sexual acts; the stories are about what sex means. M. Christian is writing about the psychology of being human, and he often does so by exploring sexual possibilities and realities that are rarely discussed, even in private conversation. He not only thinks forbidden thoughts, he extrapolates them in the finest SF fashion.
The aptly named "Technophile" pushes technofetishism to the ultimate as it explicates an idea most authors (especially male authors) would never imagine, let alone write about. To put it bluntly, "Technophile" eroticizes castration. A character has his penis cut off and replaced with the top-of-the-line, state-of-the-art "Long Thrust." Another character wants to lose his virginity to the technological phallus, which he sees as hotter and better than the old-fashion flesh kind. But the cutting-edge implant needs a recharge and remains limp throughout the encounter, a bitter irony.
In the decaying post-industrial future of "Winged Memory", Dusk does something most people couldn't imagine, and would find horrifying if they did: he sells (and loses) his memory of losing his virginity. He does this to buy thirty minutes with a prostitute "walking the street, eyes available red." To have her again, Dusk keeps selling memories, until he doesn't know who he is, or who this woman is that he inexplicably wants.
The stories "Bluebelle" and "Skin-Effect" break taboo by making explicit the sexual undercurrents of the savagery and killing in nearly every Hollywood cop and military action flick.
In "Guernica", several individuals meet secretly in a basement to enjoy sex acts outlawed by a repressive Twenty-First-Century government. Their practices, costumes, and toys deliberately, ironically, terrifyingly recreate the uniforms, actions, and tools of the cops who would arrest and punish — and kill — them.
In "Butterflies", a hacker immersed in the full-sensory, Disney-perfect Glade of the Datasea finds herself assaulted — literally — by a flock of beautiful butterfly-sprites. I generally hate stories about rape/violation, yet Christian's skill, imagery, and insight kept me reading to the end... and I never felt violated by the story. It's an impressive achievement.
In "Hackwork", Rosselyn Moss works for ExpressTaxi as a body that cyber-riders hire to carry their consciousness around New Orleans. They dictate her actions and, inevitably, drive her body into sexual encounters. One night, she is distressed to find herself whipping a beautiful young stranger — and even more distressed to discover the stranger loves it.
Like Rosselyn, the narrator of "Switch" is a rent girl. She isn't a taxi, but she may have an even more troubling job, for she never remembers who her clients were, or what they did to her. M. Christian travels deep into taboo territory by demonstrating that, for some, being so thoroughly controlled, so completely owned as to remember nothing, is the ultimate turn-on.
In "Everything but the Smell of Lilies", Justine Moor is a whore with a deeply creepy specialty. She's been turned into "a hardwired dead girl, a chilling and stiffening hooker", dying over and over for money. If this bleeding-edge cyberpunk extrapolation isn't disturbing enough, Justine finds herself lying, a motionless but fully-conscious corpse, in an ambulance staffed by a necrophiliac. (In case it's not already abundantly clear, some stories in The Bachelor Machine are not intended to arouse.)
Many of M. Christian's grittily urban stories are cyberpunk; "Heartbreaker" pushes the form to a logical extreme. When an undercover cop sets up the bust of an outlaw biohacker, the two women don't just have sex, they withdraw very special interface cables from inside themselves and connect them: "Linked, each hardwired into the other's genitals, mixed and matched, they surged and merged."
In "Thin Dog", fans jack their minds into a full-sensory experience of what it's like to be superstar reactor-rock band Thin Dog. Members Johna, Paul, Georgina, and Jingo (ahem) play instruments that are nanotech implants woven through their bodies; playing includes on-"stage" couplings and quadruplings.
Some stories not only share 1980s-cyberpunk's fascination with Japanese culture, but show the influence of "anime" (Japanese animation).
In many ways, the woman and situation in "State" are ideal for anime. The prostitute Fields lives in Japan and earns her living by pretending to be an almost mythically superior Japanese-made sex android. Her masquerade must always achieve perfection — from biochemically lowered body temperature, to "incredibly durable bonding polymer" applied daily to every millimeter of flesh, to behavior in orgasm — because her clients must never suspect she's human.
Not every story is cyberpunk. "The New Motor" is an amusing steampunk entertainment set in Paul Di Filippo territory. Nineteenth-Century spiritualist John Murray Spear has a vision of "the Association of Electricizers... spirits with a mechanical turn of mind," and begins proselytizing for the creation of "the Physical Savior of the Race... the New Motor!" This charismatic messiah for "a new Age of Man Through Machine" leads his followers to transcendentalist New England, where they settle in the conservative town of Lynn, Massachusetts. Seducing and neglecting a particularly fervent follower proves seer Spear is dangerously blind to certain human truths.
The collection has some flaws. Some futures don't seem entirely plausible (a minor problem, and one hardly confined to the erotic-SF subgenre). A couple of stories are vague in their SFnal elements. I never quite figured out what "Bluebelle" was (a micro Death Star? a flying fembot? a round mecha?). It takes too long to learn what the futuristic technology is and does in "Eulogy". The endings of "Eulogy" and "Winged Memory" left me wondering just what was happening. And frustratingly, the book provides no copyright data, providing no information about if or when the stories were previously published.
M. Christian's prose is strong and supple and sometimes lyrical. If you don't like naughty language or graphic descriptions of sex, you'd better steer clear of his work. But if you like smart, taboo-breaking SF, then read The Bachelor Machine
- Cynthia Ward
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
billierosie Likes The Love that Never Dies
This is very, very special: my pal, and a brilliant writer billierosie (who wrote the great Fetish Worship) just penned this review of my new anthology The Love that Never Dies:
Finally. It’s here, and it is out NOW! “The Love that Never Dies”. The latest anthology of erotica, from the skilful editing of M.Christian. In this unique anthology, M.Christian takes us into the strange world of the undead. He knows what we like, does M.Christian. He knows what turns us on. He knows our dark secrets, dark desires. We yearn for those creatures that we can’t see and we can’t hear, but we have to acknowledge their presence. They taunt us, hurt us, make us bleed out our fear, and they are there, inside us and outside us.
In “One Drop”, Laura Antoniou’s story, opens the anthology. Joyce and Rina have been lovers for years. They have been playing the same S&M games for what seems like centuries, to Joyce, and Joyce is bored. She feels guilt, that she is bored, but her psyche, is screaming for the sort of Domination that Rina seems incapable of giving. Then “My Lady”, makes an appearance. All it took was one drop of Joyce’s blood and a ravenous, cruel Dominant, fills Joyce with a terrifying, screaming fear.
It is an excellent choice of story to open an anthology. Laura Antoniou, knows all about pace and rhythm; how to draw the reader in, that creeping up behind you tingle, that makes you stop reading for a second and glance over your shoulder. Did the curtain move just now, or was it just the breeze? Surely I closed the bedroom door? Was that a creaked I heard on the staircase -- third step from the top? The pulse rate increases and like all the best creepy tales, ends up with a startling twist.
In “The Ghost in the Machine” Karen Taylor, gives a darker side of the Jewish psyche and traditions. The narrator of this beautifully crafted tale is a dybbuk, one of a group of souls hovering between the living and the dead. Being made into a dybbuk is a punishment for living an unworthy life. In life, dybbuks have been evil and malicious; in death, they are punished by a curse to hover as an essence, in an in between existence. Never moving on; it appears that there is no redemption for a dybbuk. A dybbuk can be called from his wretched, wispy existence, when a living being utters a curse upon a another person. It is the dybbuks’ duty to wreak havoc on the life of the recipient of the curse, and effectively fulfilling the curse. The dybbuk clings to the recipient until he is exorcised by a Rabbi.
It is an intelligent tale, told with wit and intellect, but in such a matter of fact way, that the reader has that shifting uncomfortably; do dybbuks exist? Can someone really put a curse on you -- a curse so powerful, that it can wreak homes, marriages, lives? Yes they can, the piercing comment in the final sentence tells you.
Jay Lawrence’s contribution to the anthology is “Deliverance.” Here, we have one of those writers whose voice speaks the tale to the reader. We are sitting before a blazing fire, we are sleepy, as Jay’s voice tells us the story. “Deliverance” has the rhythm of a fairy tale; a quest story. And of course there is an erotic encounter. The sex scene is powerful enough to blow off the top of your head. Who would have thought that erotica could be compelling enough to be condensed to a few short paragraphs? And then there is the morning after. That awful feeling that you have done something so terrible, that your mind is frantically trying to erase it. Was it Rape? Buggery? Necrophilia? All three? A profound sin has been committed and you daren’t look back.
Sexy, sexy, sexy -- PM White composes prose like a musician composes music. PM White is an Offenbach, rather than a Grieg, leading the reader in so seductively to a safe place. But this place isn’t safe at all, like Orpheus’ trip to the underworld, PM White, slams you with erotica so powerful, that you are chasing your breath. Such is “Memory Man.”
The moment when Tanya sees the Memory Man, is shocking, pure electricity. How do we know whom, or what is watching us, in our most private moments? Tanya questions her own sanity, when she not only sees the Memory Man, but hears his voice. It is a carefully crafted paragraph, worthy of Edgar Allan Poe, blending the forbidden, with the terrifying.
The writer draws on our childhood fears; we know that there is something there, in our bedroom, watching us. The adults tells us to sleep, there is nothing there. As children, we know different.
Tanya is a voyeur; so is the reader. We watch Tanya, as she watches the young, Hispanic couple, fucking each other, by moonlight in the swimming pool. The reader watches Tanya, as in a beautifully worked piece of writing, Tanya divests herself, like a burlesque dancer. We watch her masturbate into a lonely orgasm, with her thick vibrator. Thrust for thrust, Tanya synchronises her wet fucking, with the lovers in the swimming pool.
Enter, the Memory Man; he is a voyeur too. Cruising, hotels and apartments, looking for folks getting off; either alone, or with multiple partners. The Memory Man’s inspiration is the orgasm. Passion is on his agenda.
There’s the idea that stuff can happen in a place, usually a creepy house, or a smugglers inn, which is so powerful that somehow that the event replays over time, like an old VHS tape. That isn’t what PM White is talking about at all. His concept is that actual memories of an event, can have a manifestation, that is a thinking, feeling being. The being can’t be seen, or heard, so it is like a ghost, or how we all think of ghosts. But he is there, watching and growing stronger with each memory that he stores.
And what a treat -- a tale from the keyboard of M.Christian himself. It has been far too long! I have been starved, I am hungry for his tales. You see, I never know where M.Christian is going. He is an elusive writer and always when I think I have got him sussed, he surprises me!
In “HORROR VACUI” M.Christian, gives us a protagonist whose whole existence is controlled by fear. A fear of his apartment, a fear of leaving his apartment, a fear of the open space outside, a fear of being unable to fill the empty space, what will happen to the empty space when he leaves it? It is that same crawling, slamming fear that makes me reach for the light switch, as I wake from a bad nightmare. Sweating, hot and cold clammy fear, clinging to my face. The protagonist in this frightening tale, is nihilistic. And that is what he is most fearful of, as his mind unravels.
It is a tale of love and betrayal and death. A homeless man talks about it, and we don’t yet know what that “it” is. Or the roles that the players, have played. We learn the names of the lovers; Danny and Theresa. How perfect their love was, how they adored each other and then we learn the part that our protagonist played in their destruction.
He goes to a diner. It is just a short walk from his apartment, but it reads like an odyssey. You can feel him losing his grip on reality. The pace speeds up, like a cat frenetic, on amphetamine. His senses are confused. Is he really hearing things? Are the things he glimpses, real, or visions? Tastes, smells -- they shouldn’t be there, but they are.
It is a tale of teetering on the edge of the precipice of madness. A Roderick Usher madness. The fear of madness. The fear of everything, and the fear of being nothing. A vision that Goya might have painted. The reader may never have been to those places, where everything is disconnected, but like the writer he is, M.Christian lifts the corner of the veil. We see, and we understand.
“The Love that never dies is published by wonderful Sizzler, and will be available through Amazon very soon. There will also a printed version of the anthology later this year!
[Via Frequently Felt]
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Monday, June 11, 2012
Out Now: The Love That Never Dies: Erotic Encounters With The Undead By M. Christian
I am ... BRAINS ... very excited to announce ... BRAINS ... a brand new anthology from ... BRAINS ... Renaissance E Books/Sizzler Editions ... BRAINS...
Kidding aside I'm very happy to be able to announce the release of The Love That Never Dies: Erotic Encounters With The Undead. Right now it's up on the Sizzler site but it should be available everywhere (ibooks, amazon, etc) in a week or two.
Kidding aside I'm very happy to be able to announce the release of The Love That Never Dies: Erotic Encounters With The Undead. Right now it's up on the Sizzler site but it should be available everywhere (ibooks, amazon, etc) in a week or two.
Thousands of books have been written about love and sex between humans and werewolves, vampires, aliens, shapeshifters, ghosts, and other supernatural creatures. But, what about the real, honest, and alluringly bizarre world of the undead. Not just zombies - though a few are stumbling through this anthology - not just the once-alive - but also the differently-living? In these pages you'll discover things shambling out of tombs, existing on whole new plains of existence, and more. In the hands, and minds, of these deeply talented and wonderful writers nothing will be quite what it appears. Buckle yourself in and get ready for a ride will of unexpected twists and turns, where your libido and desires may go in one direction while your brain - screaming all the time "No no no no no no!" - goes the opposite. Including stories from erotic writing celebrities like Laura Antoniou, Nobilis Reed, Jay Lawrence, Billierosie, PM White, Ralph Greco, Jr. - and science fiction/horror stars such as Jean Marie Stine, Ernest Hogan and Chris Devito!
One Drop By Laura Antoniou
Robber By Kannan Feng
Monster By
Vamps By Dominic Santi
Winnat's Pass By Billierosie
The Ghost In The Machine By Karen Taylor
Deliverance By Jay Lawrence
Memory Man By PM White
The Wolf Man And The Mule By Linda Watanabe Mcferrin
Between Despair And Ecstasy By Angelia Sparrow
The Man Who Visited Or Poor Brother Ed By Ralph Greco, Jr.
Ghost By Heather Towne
A Rock And A Hard Place By J. T. Seate
Alive She Cried By Chris Devito
Les Bon Temps By C. C. Williams
Only In Your Dreams By A. Leigh Jones
The Frankenstein Penis By Ernest Hogan
A Pearl Of Great Price By Jean Marie Stine
Horro Vacui By M. Christian
Confessions of A Literary Streetwalker: What Is Sex ... And How Much?
Check this out: I just wrote a brand new "Confessions Of A Literary Streetwalker" piece for the always-great Erotica Readers & Writers site - all my previous columns, of course, have been collected in How To Write And Sell Erotica by Renaissance Books. Here's a tease:
So let's ask the question: what is sex – especially what is sex when it comes to writing erotica?
I will not begin with a dictionary definition ... I will not begin with a dictionary definition ... I will not begin with a dictionary definition ...
It's a very common misconception that erotica is supposed to turn the reader on ... or to be exact, that it is supposed to be written to turn the reader on.
There's a huge problem with that, though: mainly that you, as a writer, have no idea what turns a reader on. Even getting the cheat sheet of writing for a specific anthology there is no way you can possibly cover every permutation of that theme.
Let's pick anal sex, just to be provocative: some people like anal sex people of the pure sensation receiving, or giving; while others have their desire mixed with domination or submission, etc., etc, etc. Bottom line – sorry about that – you, as an erotica writer, cannot cover everything, erotically, when you write.
So how do you know how much sex to put into a story – and how to approach what sex you do put into a story?
Sunday, June 10, 2012
You, Me and Archie McPhee
Believe it or not, this awesome octopus isn’t a living creature. It’s an astonishingly beautiful object made entirely of glass by Leopold and Rudolf Blaschka, 19th century German glass artists renown for the production of biological models such as their Glass Flowers.
From Dark Roasted Blend:
Harvard Professor George Lincoln Goodale wanted examples to help teach botany, but the problem was plants have a tendency to … well, die. Sure, you could preserve some specimens but lots of species just don’t look the same after being dried – the plant version of stuffed and mounted. Yes, you could try using paintings or even photography but plants are – and here’s a surprise — three dimensional. So what Professor Goodale did was ask the Blaschkas to create detailed glass plants to help him teach his students about real ones.
What the Blaschkas did, was more than just recreate plants: they created astounding works of not only scientific accuracy but pure, brilliant, art. Even the simplest of their efforts is deceptively unencumbered… a sign of their genius as their reproductions don’t resemble the botanical model – they look EXACTLY like them, created by hand, in fickle and fragile glass, and all in the period 1887 to 1936.
This octopus deserves to stand on its own, but we recommend you visit Dark Roasted Blend to view more of Leopold and Rudolf’s exquisite glass specimens. Talk about awesome, we’ve never seen anything quite like them.
Saturday, June 09, 2012
Friday, June 08, 2012
Welcome to Weirdsville: The Benevolent Sea-Devil
Here's an rollicking sample article from my new collection of what Avi Abrams of Dark Roasted Blend called "A wonderful compendium of interesting subjects and fascinating topics:" Welcome to Weirdsville
Peek under the rugs, open more than a few drawers, peek in the back shelves and you'll find that ... well, Lord Byron himself said it best: "Truth is always strange, stranger than fiction." Lakes that explode, parasites that can literally change your mind, The New Motor, a noble Word War 1 German pirate, the odd nature of ducks, the War Magician, the City of Fire, men and their too big guns, a few misplaced nuclear weapons, an iceberg aircraft carrier, the sad death of Big Mary, the all-consuming hunger of the Bucklands, the giggling genius of Brian G. Hughes, the Kashasha laughter epidemic.... Ponder that in a world that holds things like kudzu, ophiocordyceps unilateralis, The Antikythera Device, The Yellow Kid, Leopold and Rudolf Blaschka, Alfred Jarry, Joseph Pujol, and suicide-bombing ants ... who knows what other kinds of wonders as well as horrors may be out there?
The Benevolent Sea-Devil
The year: 1917, the height of the War To End All Wars, sadly now referred
to as World War 1. The Place: The Atlantic
Ocean. You: the captain of an allied
merchant ship carrying coal from Cardiff to Buenos Aires.
Then, like a ghost from the distant past, a ship appears: a beautiful three
mastered windjammer flying a Norwegian flag. Staggered by this hauntingly lovely anachronism you think nothing
of it coming alongside – it was common, after all, for friendly ships to want to
synchronize their chronometers – until, that is, the ship's Norwegian flag is quickly
replaced by the German eagle and the captain, in amazingly polite terms, backed
up by guns that have mysteriously appeared in the windjammer's gunwales, explains
that your ship is now his.
And so you have been captured by the Seeadler ("Sea Eagle" in German),
captained by Felix von Luckner, or, as he was known by both enemies as all as allies,
the Benevolent Sea-Devil.
Some people's lives are so broad, so wild, so amazing that they simply don't
seem real. The stuff of Saturday Matinees? Sure. But real, authentic, true? Never! But if even
half of Felix von Luckner's life is true – and there's no reason to really doubt
any of it – then he was truly a broad, wild, and utterly amazing fellow.
Born in 1881, in Dresden, Felix ran away from home at 13. Stowing away on a Russian trawler, he fell
overboard – rescued, so the story goes, by grabbing hold of an albatross, the bird's
flapping wings acting as a signal to a rescue party.
Making his way to Australia, Felix tried a number of – to put it politely
– odd jobs: boxer, circus acrobat, bartender, fisherman, lighthouse keeper (until
discovered with the daughter of a hotel owner), railway worker, kangaroo hunter,
and even had a stint in the Mexican army.
During all this Felix also became a notable magician and a favorite entertainer
to no less than Kaiser Wilhelm himself.
Making his way back to Germany he passed his navigation exams and served aboard
a steamer before getting called to serve in the Navy on the SMS Panther.
Which brings us to that War That Was Supposedly The End To All Wars. Even though it was fought with steel and
oil, the German's outfitted a number of older ships as raiders – hidden guns, more
powerful engines and the like – and sent them out to harass allied shipping. Most of them were, to put it politely, a
failure. But then there was the Seeadler,
under the command of Felix von Luckner.
During the course of the war Felix sank or captured no less that 16 ships
– a staggering amount. What's even
more staggering is how Felix did it, and that he did it with grace, honor, and even
a certain kindness. You see, while
the Seeadler took out those ships it, during its entire campaign, did it at the
cost of only single human life. Most
of the time the scenario went just as it did with your merchant ship carrying coal
from Cardiff to Buenos Aries: the Seeadler would approach a target, raise its German
eagle and that would be that: the crew and cargo would be captured and the ship
scuttled. Sometimes she'd fire a shot
to two to get her pint across that she was serious, but it wasn't until the British
ship, Horngarth, that anyone had actually
been killed. Tricked into thinking
they were investigating a stricken ship – Felix had actually used a smoke generator
– the captured Horngarth had refused to
stop broadcasting a distress signal.
A single shot took out the radio but unfortunately killed the operator. Felix von Luckner, though, gave the man
a full military funeral at sea and even went as far as to write the poor man's family
telling them that he had died with honor.
To give you even more evidence that Felix von Luckner more than deserved the
"benevolent" in his "Benevolent Sea-Devil" nickname he treated
everyone he captured with dignity and respect: captured sailors were paid for their
time while on his ship and officers ate with him at his captain's table. When the Seeadler got too packed with prisoners,
by this time more than 300, Felix captured the Cambronne, a little French ship, cut down her masts and let all his
prisoners go with the understanding that if they happened to get picked up before
making land they wouldn't tell where the Seeadler was going. Respecting Felix's honor they didn't.
Alas, the Seeadler's rule of the Atlantic had to end sometime – but even that
just adds to the broad, wild, and utterly amazing life of Felix von Luckner. With the British – and now the Americans
– hot on her tail, Felix decided to take a quick barnacle-scraping break from piracy
by putting the Seeadler into a bay on Mopelia, a tiny coral atoll. Now stories here conflict a bit – Felix
always claimed that a rogue tsunami was to blame – but I think the more-standard
explanation that the crew and prisoners of the Sealer were simply having a picnic
on the island when their windjammer drifted aground.
Taking a few of his men in some long boats, Felix sailed off towards Fiji
intending to steal a ship and come back for the Seeadler. Through a series of incredible adventures
– including claiming to be Dutch-Americans crossing the Atlantic on a bet – the
Sea-Devil was himself tricked into surrendering by the Fijian police who threatened,
after becoming suspicious of one of Felix's stories, to sink his boat with an actually-unarmed
ferry. By the way, the remaining crew
and prisoners of the Seeadler had their own adventures, leading eventually to the
escape of the prisoners and the capturing of the Seeadler's crew.
But even a Chilean prison camp wasn't the end for Felix, or not quite the
end. Using the cover of putting on
a Christmas play, he and several other prisoners managed to steal the warden's motorboat
and then seize a merchant ship. Alas,
Felix's luck ran out when they were captured again and spent the rest of the war
being moved from one camp to another.
But rest assured the story doesn't end there. Far from it: after writing a book about his various adventures,
Felix von Luckner toured the world entertaining audiences about the Seeadler – as
well as demonstrating his strength by tearing phone books in half and bending coins
between thumb and forefinger.
While, with the rise of Hitler, some people thought of Felix as an apologist,
the captain had no love for the Nazi's – especially since the German government
had frozen his assets when he refused to renounce the honorary citizenships and
honors he'd received during his travels.
But the story of Felix von Luckner still isn't over. Retiring to the German town of Halle, he
was asked by the mayor to negotiate the town's surrender to the Americans. While he did this, earning not only the
respect of the Americans and the gratitude of the citizens, his reward from the
Nazi's was to be sentenced to death.
Luckily, Felix managed to flee to Sweden where he lived until passing away
at the age of 84.
War is horror, war is pointless death, and war is needless suffering. But because of men like Felix von Luckner,
war can also show the good, noble side of man – and that some men can remarkably
earn the respect of friend and enemy alike.
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